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Oct 26, 2012

What does 'freedom' mean?

What does 'freedom' mean? An anonymous beautiful poem found in the internet, Sharing with you guys :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Does the eagle want to swim in the sea, Restricted by the sky? Does the fish want to dance on the wind, Not enough river to explore? Yet the sky is freedom for the bird but death for the fish, The sea is wide for the fish but will engulf the bird. We ask for freedom but freedom to do what? We can only express our nature as it was created. The...
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Oct 25, 2012

Welcome to Air India

Here is an email i enjoyed, Sharing with you :-) WELCOME TO AIR INDIA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is your captain PATEL (Boniface) Welcoming both seated and standing passengers on board of Air India we apologize for the four-day delay in taking off, (You don't know how difficult it is, to fly an airplane now-a-days) it was due to bad weather and some overtime...
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Oct 16, 2012

A bad day with a Squirrel

Today is my terrible day :'(  , There is a squirrel nest built inside our electricity meter box,  today we heard a baby squirrel shouting, my mother and i rushed to see what happened, we saw a baby squirrel running here and there searching for its mother in our garage. My mother said to me catch it before a crow or a cat eat it, but i said hold on let's look for its mother and i looked at the surroundings but there was no sign of its mother, so i decided to catch the baby, as...
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Which is BEST in forgiveness?

There was a lecture program at Kollupity Jumma Mosque on the topic "Forgiveness" it was an excellent lecture by the young Ulama (Sorry I can't remember the scholar's name) As the lecture was over, I approached him to ask a question which came into my mind during his lecture. I asked him.. Sheikh...Which is best? to forgive people or to ask forgiveness from the people, he came close to me, almost like hugging me and said: both are invaluable, but asking for forgiveness shows how humble...
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Oct 2, 2012

Are you an IT guy? You might enjoy these Jokes

while browsing, I came across some real stories... Most computer users understand that you need an operating system to use a computer practically, even if it is not clear why. But many users don't. Hope you guys enjoy these jokes :-D After reading the jokes, you feel like......
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