I wish to share some of my experience on Eye communication
The eye contact or the eye communication plays a vital role when you are having a oral face to face communication.
We naturally speak with our families, friends, colleagues, and public but when you really want to know something out of a person, body language plays a crucial role.
A person who lies or bluffs will always try to avoid the eye contact with you, (and women are really good in finding out the truth from men,...
Search This Blog
Dec 28, 2013
Nov 23, 2013
The Elephant March on the roads

I was on my way back to office after Friday prayers, these elephants were marching for the event CHOGHM held in Sri Lanka.
The elephant march was causing traffic jam.... this is not new for Sri Lankan roads but the foreigners are thrilled to see these elephants lined up middle of the road.
Oct 3, 2013
Rescuing the Drowning Deers

This recure story touched my heart :-) one of the best animal rescue missions.
According to the report in the Juneau Empire, Tom Satre, his sister Sharon Kelly and a few other family members were heading across Taku Inlet near Juneau on Tom's charter boat for a picnic at the State Marine Park.
About a mile offshore, Sharon, a birder, spotted something odd in the water coming towards the boat...
Sep 24, 2013
Ask President Mahinda Rajapaksa Questions on Twitter

Here is a great opportunity to ask questions to His excellency President Mahinda Rajapakse via social media twitter, ask your question adding this hashtag #AskMR on your tweets.
Tweets about "#AskMR"
!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twit...
May 13, 2013
A Facebook Update In Real Life
I really enjoyed this video, probably must be a Google+ production LOL
Seriously, Facebook new features annoys...
May 12, 2013
Mohamed Nana, The TEA specialist
I joint a company very recently, at the initial stage I was assigned for the company's different locations in order to get myself trained for the business and capture the trend of the business.
In one such location, there was a man called Mohamed Nana (Nana is referred to Elder Brother), He is more than 60 years old, dark complexion, with black hair combed to his right....
Apr 7, 2013
The man who stopped the 3rd world war
50 years ago, at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, second-in-command Vasilli Arkhipov of the Soviet submarine B-59 refused to agree with his Captain's order to launch nuclear torpedoes against US warships and setting off what might well have been a terminal superpower nuclear war.
The US had been dropping depth charges near the submarine in an attempt to force it to surface, unaware...
Apr 4, 2013
Short Jokes
After a great success, the airline sent letters to all the wives asking how was the trip.
All of them gave the same reply, "Which trip?"
Husband was seriously ill. After thorough examination, doctor sent him outside to wait.
Doctor to wife: Give him healthy breakfast, be pleasant to him and keep him in good mood, don’t discuss your problems, don’t demand new clothes or gold jewels. Do this for one year and he will be fine.
On the way home,...
Mar 5, 2013
Heart Touching advice by a 85 years old New Muslim
I was born to a Muslim family, he is an elderly person and a new Muslim; but at the end of this video he spoke something which truly touched my heart . He gave all of us some wisdom through his experience, he started with "TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF"
Thank you sir :-) My sincere prayer to you, may Allah grant you Jannathul Firthouse.
Feb 15, 2013
I'm Jealous
I'm Jealous with this crippled old man who crawls daily to the mosque for past 65 years.
Allah is going to reward him more than me because Alhamthulillah I'm able and he is disable, yet we both conduct the same act of Salah five times a day. but his rewards are greater than mine.
Allah'akbar, Allah is most just and kind.
"That which you have shall pass away, but that which is with ALLAH is lasting. And WE will certainly give those, who are steadfast, their reward according to the...
Feb 11, 2013
The Massive Creation?
Many atheists, People of other faiths and including some Muslims who are lower in knowledge about Islam questions "can there be a power created this massive universe?" this issue arises after watching the graphics illustrated about the universe or other means. Here is how ISLAM deals with it, these questions of modern day humans were questioned years back at the times of the prophets but many think these are new questions unanswered by the prophets. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) explains about...
Feb 4, 2013
Google Doodle - 65th Independence day of Sri Lanka

Thank to Google for making a doodle for a small Island which is known as Gem of the Indian ocean. it's difficult to spot Sri Lanka in the world map. come on guys, it's Google! :-...
Feb 1, 2013
Advance Message
"And those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in groups, till, when they reach it, the gates thereof will be opened (suddenly like a prison at the arrival of the prisoners). And its keepers will say, "Did not the Messengers come to you from yourselves, reciting to you the Verses of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of this Day of yours?" They will say: "Yes, but the Word of torment has been justified against the disbelievers!" Quran 39:71
I didn't ask the non-believers to...
Surrender to God
"(The paradise is for) those who say, “Our Lord, we really believe! Forgive our sins, and save us from the suffering of the fire (of hell)." #Quran 3:16
I totally agree with this beautiful verse from God , this verse gives justification, Yes Indeed, those who fear the hell fire and who wants to enter paradise; they will keep praying Quran 3:16 and keep working to their hereafter life in this short worldly life they will not waste tim...
Life is not a bed of Roses
"The love and passion for (certain) things _ women, offspring, treasures of gold and silver, branded (high bred) horses, cattle, and land _ have been made tempting and alluring for mankind. (However), this is only a brief enjoyment of the life of this world. That which is with Allah, is actually the most excellent abode." [Quran 3:14]
I challenge, those who are in this world more than 98% are seeking pleasures to have a perfect life in this world, and I would say 99.99% of atheists...
Jan 23, 2013
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Sinhala Language

Greatest Role Model
Why he refused all the wealth, women and the power of controlling the entire nation? Get an insight of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), A lecture by Ahmed Dahlan about the "Greatest Personality ever lived on this earth"
Jan 20, 2013
Poem: I Remember God
When I'm happy, I remember God,
When I'm sad, I remember God,
When I'm having good times, I remember God,
When I'm having bad times, I remember God,
When I'm helped, I remember God,
When I'm helpless, I remember God,
When I'm Strong, I remember God,
When I'm weak, I remember God,
When I'm young, I remember God,
When I'm old, I remember God,
"Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of God: for without doubt in the remembrance of God do hearts find satisfaction."...
Jan 18, 2013
Why I'm a Muhammad Ali fan

I'm a big fan of Muhammad Ali, not because he is the only three time world heavy weight boxing champion but for his courage and for his concern towards his black people; at his time the racial violence was at peak. I think, he didn't box to earn money, fame, or for power but he boxed for his people. I love his quotes so much because it's funny, it's thoughtful and it's wisdom.
Muhammad Ali ► Official...
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